Consente all’utente di accedere al software mediante qualsiasi dispositivo ed usufruirne tramite risorse hardware/software distribuite e visualizzate in Rete in un’architettura tipica client-server
Software molto semplice, veloce e leggero
Il design elegante lo contraddistingue da altri software BI
Interagisce attivamente con l’utente e modifica le informazioni mostrate all’utente in base alle informazioni ricevute dall’utente stesso
Sempre al passo con l’evoluzione tecnologica ed informatica
In pochi minuti è possibile creare grafici e cruscotti interattivi e dinamici da una semplice tabella di dati.
It is a business intelligence software designed and implemented by the company DM Consulting, a leader in business data analysis and presentation management software technologies. Cledia enables companies, of all sizes, to manage the dissemination of business data via the Web to customers, suppliers, points of sale, agents and distributors completely autonomously without resorting to the support of an IT technician each time. Create interactive charts and dashboards in minutes from a simple table of data and make them securely accessible to recipients in real time, via the Web, including on smartphones and tablets. Simple, agile and economical, optimize costs and increase sales with CLEDIA!

Allows the user to access the software on any device and use them through hardware/software resources distributed and displayed on the network in a client-server architecture
Very simple, fast and light
The elegant design distinguishes it from other BI software
Interacts actively with you and review the information displayed to the user on the basis of the information received by the user
In line with the evolution of technology and computer science
In a few minutes you can create graphs and dashboards and dynamic from a simple data table.
It is a business intelligence software designed and developed by company DM Consulting, a leading management software technologies analysis and presentation of data. Cledia enables companies of all sizes to independently manage the dissemination of business data via the Web to customers, suppliers, sales partners, agents and distributors without recourse every time a technician support IT. Create charts in minutes and interactive dashboards from a simple table of data and make it accessible to audiences in real-time, via the web, even on smartphones and tablets, safely. Simple, agile and cost effective optimizes costs and increases sales with CLEDIA!